Are Adventist Communities Future-Proof?

RMS is a long-term advocate for the Adventist Church to construct more resilient buildings, to mitigate risk exposures, and to ensure property and assets are well-maintained.
To protect ministry and mission into the future we will always plead for better construction and better maintenance of Church property, here are our top three reasons why:
To prove to insurers that the Adventist Church is a risk worth taking.
The Church’s good-standing with insurers is reliant on our ability to demonstrate proper care for our properties and the people who interact within.
Damage or loss arising from degradation or lack of maintenance is often not covered by insurance, and it is within an insurer’s rights to exercise the full wording of their policies.
Demonstrating ‘insurability’ is essential to future-proofing mission.
To keep insurance costs under control, for the future.
The quantum of a loss can be reduced through better construction and better maintenance. In other words, by building better and by actively maintaining a site, a potentially bigger claim can be prevented.
Without getting into complex insurance theory, the simple answer is that well-built and well-maintained sites keep all insurance costs down – for everyone. Which is kind of amazing when you think about it!
For example, maintained gutters protect a property in a heavy downpour by preventing significant internal damage from water leaks. Regularly cleaning gutters can be the difference between no loss or a $40,000 loss with a rise in annual premium for everyone.
RMS observes all too often Adventist sites that are struggling to keep up with maintenance. This concerns us, as we want to ensure Adventist communities are ‘future-proof’.
Think of site maintenance as an altruistic act.
To protect the Church’s most valuable asset – its reputation.
Loss events can result in what’s known in the industry as “business interruption” or as we call it in RMS, “mission disruption.”
When an Adventist site is unable to open its doors because of a loss event, ministry is halted. Any loss event will have a financial cost, but they also draw on precious ministry time and resources, amongst other unquantifiable costs for Adventist communities, such as reputation and trust.
However, Adventist sites that are well-maintained and have the appearance of being cared for are an inviting and safe place for members of the community to visit.
Well-presented buildings and grounds build trust in the community and protects the reputation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church as a whole.
Don’t be left in the dark!
RMS provides meaningful support for mission resilience, and we work tirelessly to keep insurance costs under control but it is a collective pursuit that requires church leaders, administrators, stewardship, all of us to work together as a network to protect mission and ensure precious funds are not wasted on avoidable loss caused by lack of maintenance.
You can be part of the solution by prioritising maintenance and engaging with RMS in the following ways:
- Request a site visit from our Risk Control Officer. They can help you identify hazards and risks at your site and provide solutions to correct risk and safety issues, as well as develop site maintenance programs.
- Call or email us whenever your site is planning construction or property purchase.
- Invite RMS to conduct training and education sessions for finance staff and volunteers, business managers, building committees, administrators and pastors.
- Make good use of the resources on our website.
Our role is to protect the Adventist Church’s good work until Jesus returns. And until that time, we hope to work with you to do all we can collectively to future-proof mission through good risk management.