Crucial Questions You Must Ask Before Your Next Trip!

As an organization we travel a lot – more than 60,000 travel days in a year!
Whether you are new to this or a seasoned globetrotter, it’s easy to overlook some necessities. So before you head out, pause and ask yourself these essential questions so you can be better prepared for your trip:
Church Travel Checklist:
1. Am I well enough to travel?
- Travelling with illness or injury can become a costly mistake. Prevent emergency medical expenses by making sure you’re fit to travel.
2. Is the destination and what I’m going to do there suitable for my health?
- Different countries have different medical standards, again make sure you’re well enough for the destination and the type of activities or work you’ll be doing.
3. Do I need to see my GP before I go?
- If you have any health concerns, get a check-up before you go. Find out what medication you may need to pack as a precaution and ensure you fill those scripts before you go.
- If you have a pre-existing physical or psychological condition, see your GP before you make any travel arrangements. If they determine that you’re fit to travel make sure you get it in writing.
4. Do I Need Vaccinations?
- Utilise the information on websites like and research any health warnings for the countries you’ll be visiting.
- Find out what, if any, vaccinations are needed for your destination and make sure you’re up to date on other necessary shots.
5. What’s the Security Safety Situation?
- It shouldn’t come as a surprise to know that some destinations come with heightened security risks. In the South Pacific Division travellers should anticipate that in certain locations there’ll be a need to take extra precautions, some of which may be confronting.
- Learn about the security situation at your destination, and if there are any concerns, reach out to the Union or Mission Office for guidance on how to stay safe.
- Prior to commencing travel arrangements a risk assessment should be conducted to review all potential issues travelling to high risk destinations.
6. Am I Travelling to a Remote Area?
- Have contingencies for food, water, transport and communication. Let someone know when you anticipate returning.
- Travel with a companion or companions.
- Understand what the transport is like in and out of the location. It could be safer to fly out than drive.
7. Will I Have Access to Safe Food and Clean Water?
- Check these conditions and be prepared with water filters and perhaps some packaged food.
8. What are the transport options like? Will I be able to drive?
- Some countries may not accept your driver’s license as valid. This could put you in a predicament if you were planning to self-drive anywhere. Check if your destination will require an ‘International Drivers Permit’, obtained from your state’s license issuing authority.
- Check the Summary of Cover to see what types of vehicles are excluded from cover.
9. Do I have travel cover?
- Cover is not automatic and must be applied for either per trip (short-term travel) or annually through your employer (corporate travel). So always check your cover before you go.
You can find answers to some of these travel questions on the Smart Traveller website.
Staying informed and prepared helps you accomplish your work goals while travelling and return home safely.