Extra Risks Cover just got Extra Awesome!

Have you ever had to provide RMS with a long, carefully itemised list of your organisation’s tablets, laptops and computers? We know it can be a drag.
In an effort to improve efficiency and reduce the burden of providing RMS with an itemised list of computers, laptops and tablets, Risk Management Service has developed a new subcategory of Extra Risks cover called “TLC Cover”.
Under the new sub-category you will no longer be required to provide RMS with an itemised list of computers, laptops and tablets owned by your organisation.
What you need to do…
From now on all you need to do is provide RMS with the total replacement value of all computers, laptops and tablets owned by your organisation.
We will transition all of your currently listed computers, laptops and tablets to the new cover, however we do ask that you check the total replacement value is adequate for all currently owned computers, laptops and tablets. This change is reflected on the Renewal Notice that your entity will have recently received.
The way we calculate the cost of cover remains the same as for all other portable equipment.
Remember, Extra Risks cover is for accidental damage and theft/loss off-site, therefore TLC items will still need to be included in the Contents value for the site.
What happens in the event of a loss of an item covered by TLC Cover?
- You will need to complete a Loss Notification Form.
- You will need to provide proof of ownership of the item. (We may request a copy of your fixed asset register.)
- You will need to provide quotes for repair and/or replacement.
- And if the cause of the loss is accidental damage, we reserve the right to request photographs of the damaged item.
To find out more about Extra Risks cover, or to calculate the cost of cover, please download the latest version of the Extra Risks Cover Factsheet.
Photo credit: Marvin Meyer on Unsplash