Godspeed, Paul.

RMS Manager, Paul Rubessa, has accepted a call to lead ADRA Australia as their new CEO.
Paul has served in RMS for 11 years, the last 7 years as Manager. During that time his foresight, strategic planning and ability to lead people has seen numerous improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of RMS. Paul has been a diligent steward of the Church’s insurance, risk and safety programs, focused on protecting the financial performance of the RMS investment portfolio to ensure it is prepared to respond to the ever changing environment in which the Church operates. Paul will finish his time in RMS at the end of October.
The eight team members who remain have prepared a special message, which we know will embarrass him greatly, but we wanted to publicly honour our leader:
“There is no one more deserving of recognition as a leader than Paul Rubessa. He is an approachable manager with an open door policy who welcomes and values each team member’s contribution. Paul combines compassion and generosity with a magnificent vision of teamwork, mentoring each of us with kindness and humility and has inspired and encouraged us to give our best. He takes a personal interest in every person who walks into his office. He is someone who really listens, is generous with his time, encouraging with his words and honest in his actions. He has been our rock-steady leader, our El Capitan, our mentor, our advocate, our colleague and our friend. We will miss him greatly but we know and trust that God has great plans for him and the team that he will lead at ADRA Australia – our immense loss is their incalculable gain. Thank you, Paul, for everything.”
Jonathan Hale, Hayley Tosen, Maurie Calculli, Tim Tew, Rob Kalinowski, Andrew Mowbray, Minerva Hermosilla and Linzi Aitken.