How do we re-open churches?

RMS would like to acknowledge and uphold the leadership of the Adventist Church’s Local Conferences and Unions as they have transitioned the Adventist Church through COVID-19.
Naturally, it is at this point in time that we once again look to our local leadership for how we get back to normal.
We are incredibly grateful for the way that each of the Unions and Conferences have worked together to communicate with and reassure their constituents of what was expected as we navigated our way into and through lock-down phases. Most entities did a phenomenal job in what has often been referred to as “uncertain” and “unprecedented” times.
Once again, as we transition out of lock-down and back to gathering together in shared spaces RMS cannot underestimate the importance of the role of Unions and Local Conferences in leading their constituents into the next phase. As we’re seeing across Australia in particular, each State’s laws are easing at different rates and in unique ways, which makes it absolutely necessary that each Local Conference be the contact point for workers, members and volunteers regarding how to transition back to in-person ministry in their region.
As leaders endeavour to bring us all back together again, these key factors should be front of mind for everyone:
If there is any one factor that prevents the spread of COVID-19 it is this. Physical distancing appears to reduce your chance of catching COVID-19 by 80%. (Source: Science Media Centre online)
If you’re sick, you should stay at home. If you’ve been near a known Covid case, then get tested and wait for the results at home. If you’re not sure, contact your GP or Covid clinic. As a community, we need to discourage our “soldier on” mentality and foster a culture that prioritises the health and well-being of others, not just ourselves.
Keep those hand sanitisers topped up and readily available, make sure there’s soap and water in the bathrooms and obviously, keep washing your hands!
Leaders and Managers:
- Ensure that any re-opening follows the advice of your local authorities. The situation remains that if local public health laws are violated there may not be insurance coverage available.
- Travel restrictions remain in place until further notice.
- Keep communicating! Keep your people up-to-date.
- Access the COVID-19 resources we’ve curated for you on our website. We’ve uploaded a new resource from Marsh entitled that is comprehensive yet easy to understand.
As Adventists ourselves we are looking forward to going back to church as much as anyone else and just like you, we want to feel safe to return to normal. Let’s work together for a good outcome!