Property Tip – Are you Covered?

Are you sure that all the property and equipment belonging to your church organisation is covered? Could you be paying for cover that you no longer need? Read on to find out more…

In May each year we send a property renewal notice to every office, church, company, school, aged care facility, Op Shop, college, factory, campground and medical facility that we know about. We do this so that we can provide an up-to-date list of all property to insurers. When you receive a property renewal notice it is important to check it carefully to ensure the list of property is current and to tell us about any changes.* Remember, we won’t know about property or equipment that you buy or sell unless you tell us.

But you don’t have to wait until then to make changes – you can make adjustments at any time! Just put any changes in writing (email, fax or post) and send it on to us, or request a form to make changes.*

Typical adjustments include:

  • New buildings, extensions
  • Contents (value increases or decreases)
  • Extra Risks (portable items such as laptops, tablets, data projectors, musical instruments etc)
  • Fences
  • Artificial grass
  • Shade sails and play equipment
  • Cash in Safe and/or Cash in Transit
  • Trailers, Tents and Camping Equipment
  • Plus a host of other items

Don’t wait until a loss event occurs to find out what is or is not covered! If you are not sure what is currently covered, please talk to us today, we can help.

*Changes to cover must be approved by an authorised Officer, such as a treasurer or CFO.