Rebuilding Tonga

On the night of 12 February, 2018, Tropical Cyclone Gita passed over the islands of Tonga. It was a Category 4 cyclone that wreaked havoc across the nation.
Adventist Church-owned homes, schools, offices and churches sustained damage with some sites left uninhabitable and unsafe.
How would life get ‘back to normal’ for the communities so adversely affected by this devastating cyclone?
The initial response was a humanitarian one with ADRA providing food parcels, the local mission providing emergency accommodation and volunteers, TPUM releasing funds toward the humanitarian aid effort, and the local Tongan government and military offering assistance with the clean-up.
RMS Manager, Jonathan Hale, flew to Tonga to meet with the Mission office staff, ADRA’s emergency response team and our loss adjustors to inspect and assess the damage within days of the cyclone. Together their goal was to reinstate property as quickly as possible to enable Adventist churches and schools in Tonga to could get back to mission and ‘normal life’.
Property Cover, facilitated by RMS, is made available to Adventist organisations in the Pacific Islands to provide long-term resilience and reduce the vulnerability of communities after significant loss events, such as cyclones. RMS acknowledges the faithful stewardship of President Saia Vea of the Tongan Mission who ensured that property cover was in place for all church-owned assets in Tonga. As a result, sixteen months after the event the rebuilding of our Adventist churches and schools is largely complete, whereas many government-owned organisations still wait for repairs. “This could not have been done without the enthusiastic and energetic work of the Tongan people,” stated Mr Hale, “Pastor Saia put in very long hours and was prompt in answering our questions.”
Sela Moala, of the treasury office at Tonga Mission, reported that the SDA Schools were the first schools in Tonga to be rebuilt, and she credits that to RMS releasing funds so promptly, “For so many years we think that we spend a lot of money paying for Property Cover, but when disaster hits us, that’s when we feel RMS is on our side.”
ADRA’s Emergency Response Coordinator, Michael Peach, returned from a recent visit to Tonga and concurs with Mrs Moala, “Property Cover is a significant annual expense, but it’s paid off,” agreed Mr Peach. “Much of the national infrastructure has not been repaired, but the SDA Mission buildings and schools have all been rebuilt to a higher immunity, using better materials and newer design standards,” he said.
Property Cover is designed to enable mission in the South Pacific to continue by supporting the dedicated work of a community as they rebuild after a natural disaster.
We thank the wonderful people of Tonga who worked tirelessly and tenaciously to restore their homes and buildings, for the good of their families and their community.
If you are based in the Pacific Islands, or you care for a church-owned site in the Pacific, then please download the latest .
Talk to us if you need assistance in obtaining Property Cover – we’re ready to help.
Photo Credit: Michael Peach (ADRA South Pacific), Pr Saia Vea (Tonga SDA Mission)