Share One Story to be Safe

Do you know what costs Australia $61.8 billion a year? Work related injury and disease.

October is National Safe Work Month and this year’s theme is “sharing safety knowledge and experience benefits everyone”. It reminds us of a succinct phrase we heard last year: “there’s no IP in safety”.

Safe Work Month is not about eating the safety elephant in one gulp. Breaking the process down into bite-size chunks makes it easier to digest. The art of story-telling makes it even more so. SafeWork Australia publishes health and safety stories via their website and YouTube channel. These stories are highly shareable within your team.

Here are a couple of good ones:

Full Circle: A work health and safety evolution “Look after each other. That’s what we’re here for.”
Watch now.

A day in the life of an employer “Why do you want to work safely?”
Watch now.

For more ideas visit the Safe Work Month website, access the resource kit and run a safety initiative in your workplace.

And here’s something with a little dose of tongue-in-cheek WHS humour from EML Mutual and “Inappropriate Corporation”: The Misbehave with Dave series.