We’ve made it easier to report a loss.

In an effort to make it easier and quicker for Adventist sites to get back to the business of mission after a loss event, RMS has made changes to the Loss Reporting process.
This small but time-saving change pushes back the need to complete the Schedule of Property form up front, instead allowing this detailed inventory to come later when the full extent of the loss is understood.
RMS recognises that the inventory process can take time as it involves relying on third parties to provide invoices and quotes which occasionally causes delay. Unfortunately, these delays have the potential to hamstring the reinstatement of a loss and could jeopardise what would otherwise be a favourable outcome.
We want to avoid delay as much as possible because the quicker we can resolve a loss, the better for you and your community.
So, instead of asking you to complete a Loss Notification form as well as the Schedule (or inventory) of Property, we are now asking that you simply notify us of the loss via phone or email and then complete the one-page loss notification form which is always available to download from our website.
As the resolution of your loss progresses our team will advise on next steps and what further action may be required.
If you have any questions about the change to the loss process, please give us a call or visit the ‘Report a Loss’ page of our website.
Photo by Michael D on Unsplash